Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to stop an abortion, please read.?

My boyfriends best friends (scott) and his girlfriend (michelle) were trying for months to have a baby, she is 24 he is 20. My boyfriend and I were very excited for them. The other day scott and michelle came over and told us they had finally got pregnant! Michelles parents are jahova wittness's (she is very very very immature) I had never seen such excitment in scotts face before. She told me she had already looked at baby stuff and all this (I have a 4 month old) so I told her I would help her out 100% and be there the whole way with her! (She was very nervous)! Then today scott messages me and sais she's getting an abortion because her parents will disown her!! And because she has no clue how to be a parent! She's 24 has no job and lives at scotts parents! I told her a place where she would get a gauranteed job then she could get a home and mat leave! This is upsetting me so much I've been messaging her all night on facebook but no reply! How would you convince her to not be such a f. Ucking idiot? Is there anything I can say or do to change her mind or make her realize what she's doing? Scott is almost in tears on the phone with my boyfriend right now because he wants this baby so bad! (He doesn't work but is looking for a job) please help me to help them

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