Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I wrote this about my alcoholic mom, would you please tell me if it's good?

Powerless, I was sitting in the corner of the room, sick of all the false promises you made. Sick of all the lies you told me. And frightened because this won’t be the last one, right? With brutal cruelty you came to me and told me stories that were just your invention. And for a small moment I believed you. While cutting through my heart you kept on telling me lies and took another drink, yet another one that would make the tragedy worse later on. A few minutes later there were screams escaping my throat because of the repeated image I was seeing, angry tears came rolling down my cheek. The brutal truth just hit me in the face. From that moment on the place where my heart once had been, had now become just a scar. A scar that represents the stealing of my childhood and my innocence . And though I hate you and though you sadden me, I will still pick you off the ground. My dignity may disappear, my fingers may break, my world might shatter but I’ll pick you up. And we’ll go into the darkness and I’ll know that I love you.

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