Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is she playing mind games with me or what..please help?

This is where something really comes in handy - its called - communication! ASK HER! When she does something messed up like that right in front of you - call her out on it! Don't let her get away with that kind of stuff. You just taught her it was OK to do stuff like that and you'll still be around. So, find out what the deal is. Because if she really is the type to play mind games - do you really want her in your life? Do you really want to be with someone who will mess with you like that? If she is mad at you, that is one thing. But to toy with your emotions just for the fun of it IS really messed up. So, better get an answer out of her or you'll never really know what is in her heart. Or if she is even worth the trouble.

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