Friday, July 15, 2011

Should My Family Stop Having Birthday Parties For My 40 Something Aunt?

I have an aunt who is pushing 50 but still insist on having child like birthday parties every year where everyone comes over, puts on hats, sings, eats cake and ice cream and gives her presents. I don’t know how to classify her as she seems intelligent but emotionally speaking is very immature and underdeveloped almost childlike. She holds a job at the state library and lives independently with supervision. My other aunt and uncle who usually host these parties are starting to think it’s absurd and have merely been doing it to appease my grandmother. But this year my aunt and uncle unfortunately lost their daughter and had to cover the expense of her funeral and unpaid tuition bills so are not really in the mood or able to host these asinine parties for a woman in her late 40’s anymore. So should my family quite appeasing this particular aunt and my grandmother and put an end these parties?

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