Friday, July 22, 2011

Where can i find a dvd store?

i live in glendale but i can`t find a store that ONLY sells cds and dvds.i have been to walmart,they dont have what i am looking for.

Missed a period? Stress...?

cramping can mean a period that is coming somethings people's periods are late. this is due to many things mostly stress, or a plane ride etc. discharge might be a yeast infection or something else. go to the doctor and get a pregnancy test in a few days if your period has not come. it could be you are thinking you are pregnant and your body is reacting. also even bodily fluids can cause you to get pregnant. pre *** even a little can get you pregnant.

I found a blue skink and a nest of eggs, how do i know if there fertilized and when they should hatch?

The mom went back to the nest after I found it in my garden and very carefully put the eggs back but she is blue and yellow, I thought that meant it was immature. I think there are around 10 eggs.

Is Pasadena malibu and glendale and burbank the safest areas to live in,and how come there is a big crime?

rating for the 'hills' in hollywood i thought there was houses there for 5 million plus,on lalife it gives a rating for the hollywood hills a 2 how could it be dangerous i thought it was an elite place,and it says the safest places are santa clarita,calabasas,burbank and glendale, and malibu.I will be working in century city in six months but i am having a terrible time trying to find the best location for me i am 28 so i want to be in a nice location with people my age with a good social scene,any help if you could point me in the direction of some places or websites i can check out thanks so much

Where can I get rid of my dog?

Try the neighboring states. I would also check with the pit but rescues in your area or the surrounding areas.

Three poems that I wrote which one is the best and which is the worst?

all of them are epic, the fist is the best, but the rest are good too, the final one is the worst, but all of them on a scale of 1 to 10 would be 10 first 9.5 second and 9 last

Friday, July 15, 2011

I do not regard sex as part of marriage?

So it's okay if he USES other women as long as it's not you? And, what if he followed through with your suggestion and fell in love with another woman? If a sex free lifestyle is your choice, you should remain single. Not only is sex a part of marriage, it's necessary for good health and I feel you shouldn't marry at all if it is your intent to deprive a spouse because unless he's impotent and willing to live celibate, this arrangement is doomed to fail.

Why is ther so many armenians in glendale california?

Many Armenians started off living in East Hollywood (Little Armenia), I know there was a community leader who opened a community center type place over on Vermont Ave many many years ago. So Armenians new to the country moved to where other Armenians lived, which makes sense. Why be alone in a foreign country, especially if you don't speak the language, when you can live in a neighborhood full of people who are like you, with Armenian businesses, churches, and schools. As more Armenians moved here, they started expanding their community to nearby areas, including Glendale, La Crescenta, Pasadena, and Burbank. Armenians tend to have a close community, even with those that seem totally Americanized (2nd generation), many still attend Armenian community functions, prefer to date/marry other Armenians, send their kids to Armenian schools, and learn all the traditions.

How do I go about proving my girlfriend's innocence?

I just found the girl of my dreams. Unfortunately, she's on death row and running out of time. She says she didn't do it and I believe her. Unfortunately, we can't afford a good lawyer. Is there anything I can do??

Does anyone know a good place for a dress to wear at a wedding for a 12 year old?

ok so like my aunt/ cousin (dont ask,) is getting married soon and i looked in the glendale galleria for a dress to wear at her wedding! (the store across from abercrombie!) but i cant find one! im only 12 (soon to be 13 on september 19) and i wear a size 10, so its not that easy for me to find a dress cuz im so young! please send me a link to a good website with cute dresses or a link with a picture of what u think is good for me,( i like stuff with big bows on the side to!) my i cant wear black so NO BLACK! heres a pic of me; file:///Users/sheikhrezae/Desktop/186587…

Cool Youtube Usernames?

I really don't want to use my yahoo! username. My favorite colors are purple, black, silver and gold, and my favorite words are paradise, elysium, and I also like oxymorons like bright darkness or evil innocence but I think they're both taken... please help me come up with cool usernames its an easy eleven points! I'm just too lazayyy...

Is this a good beginning to my story?

i really like it but is a little perturbing because im 14 i was like wow but my parents aren't divorced so i think that can happen to me and if you keep writing i would like to read it!

What do you think of a teenager who calls his parents immature?

Depends on why he called them that. Were they being immature? If it was just out of spite then he is immature and disrespectful.

Where is a good place in California to live for a single lady?

Considering affordable apartments, safe, cultural diverse (preferably Asian), close to the party scene. What about Glendale, Burbank, San Jose, San Diego, San Francisco, LA? Any ideas?

What to do when your mum treates you like a child?

im 18 and i want to go out on thursday night, and she wont let me catch a train to the city with about 20 other girls. now were fighting and she said now im not allowed out. she is being immature. what should i do???

Need help on the Renaissance costume?

So This year we are creating our own Renaissance faire and we have to dress up. Ive been thinking about being in middle class or a peasant but I don't know where to buy the clothes since I don't know how to sew. So tell me places you can buy pieces/parts of the costume for cheap prices and it would be best if it was sold in the Glendale galleria in la ca. Please please help me and thanks a billlion!!!!

Relationship problems, help pleasee !?

So, there are these two guys that I really like. One who I have been talking to for a while now and he's ready to start a relationship, and the other guy is someone that I have always liked since I was younger, we've always had a crush on each other, but he was always to immature, and had a players mentality, never wanting to commit, so I had pretty much given up on him for the time being, but three years have passed since then. So that guy moved away for about a year, but now he's back, and I can tell he has matured a lot and it seems that he's changed his ways. And that's kind of what I've always been waiting for, for him to grow up and commit to someone if he really wants them. And now here he is living back here, and ready to commit to me, and of course I'd be all for it if I didn't have this delima with this other guy. So the other guy, like I said I've been talking to for a while now, and I really like him too, and he's definitely not the player type, he's been ready for a relationship for a while, I'm the one stalling this time. I feel like I could like the other guy a little more though, and maybe its because I've known him for so long. I just feel like whichever I choose, I'm going to miss out, and I know I am, because they both have different qualities. But guy number 1, the one who moved, it would be harder for me to trust that he wants to commit for a while since he was a player, though I feel like he has grown a lot since that time, I still am not completely sure and feel like he could still leave at any time. Guy number 2 like I said is ready to commit, and pretty much already is committed even though technically we aren't bf/gf yet. I really just don't know what to do, this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Can someone please try and give me some really helpful advice, I would be so grateful.

Girls opinions/advice please?

this might seem immature but im fed up, my boyfriend is the jealous type.he dosen't let me get on FB, he dosen't get on either though, i think is because he thinks i flirt with other guys, i really want to get on especially since i don't have my phone right now and i will soon be leaving on a family trip, my bf gets mad when i bring it up. i really like him so i don't want him mad. what do i do or say to him to convince him into letting me get on

Should I settle for a Plea in Abeyance for a wrongfully accused retail theft (in the state of Utah)?

So about a month ago I was shopping with my sister in a supermarket (WAL MART) in Utah. As we were shopping for groceries and other items we stopped to look at soap. After looking at many different kinds of soap I had a brain fart and put the soap inside the front pocket of my sweatshirt. We purchased our items spending a total of $42.10. As we left the store we were stopped outside by the manager asking if I had anything I forgot to pay for. I told him no and showed him the bags, then he pointed to my pocket and a complete shock to my sister and I was the bar of soap. We apologized and laughed a little bit then he asked us to come inside. Instead of paying for the soap which was $1.07 he told us to come to the back were a lady told us to sit down. She said she had been following us on camera the entire time and had me stealing a bar of soap on video. She commanded me to sign some type of paper and said she has called the police. I refused to sign anything and waited for the cops to come. They gave me a ticket for a mistermeaner B retail theft. The cops seemed to believe me a little more than the super market employees. We have a family friend that is a very high profile defense lawyer. My worry is that this is too small of a case because when I talked to him he keep mentioning a plea in abeyance. Although he keep telling me not to worry about anything I have been. I have a clean record and am currently in my second year of grad school getting ready to apply to med school. I don't want any of this on my record. Even though I unintentionally stole something am I still responsible for a crime of retail theft? Also if I took a polygraph test could I somehow use this to prove my innocence? Should I tell the lawyer that I don't won't settle for a plea in abeyance or should I be grateful for this? I understand that it probably does look like I stole it on video but do people really steal a dollar item and then spend 40? I am sure people lie in court all the time but how will my case look to a judge? Thank you for you advice.

Are these girls right about me?

One time I went to a summer camp and there were these two girls that told me that I was very immature and that I had serious issues because I was shy and quiet and preferred my privacy. And they said that if I didn't go out or be more sociable I wouldn't be able to do anything like get a girlfriend or even married.

Parents: Do you want your children to know the bad things happening in "the real world"?

I'm 13 and have recently began to take an interest in current affairs. I look up the news, look up treatment of animals in slaughterhouses, and I look up the rate of suicide because of bullying. I know most 13 year olds are playing black ops instead of this, or on facebook, but I don't want to be ignorant of what's happening in the world. Do you want your children to be interested in these sort of things, or do you want them to keep their childhood innocence?

Why hasn't my penis grown?

I'm 14 and just starting to get long stringy pubic hairs. My penis grew about 2 inches in sixth grade. It used to be like always one inch when soft and now it's like 1.7 when soft and when hard it's like 3.1 inches. Why is my penis so small?!?! I have high school next year and we take showers and I don't want guys making fun of me for how small it is. Please leave your stupid idiotic immature comments out please if you're just goingto make fun of me. thanks

Would the SPLC consider this a hate crime Police arrest 2 latinos in teen's dragging death?

No, this is a group that is run by a woman beater and child molester, Morris Dees. Anyone who uses SPLC as a source are condoning the crimes of Morris Dees.

Read my poem? What you think?

uh... its OK. the only bad thing people would criticize you on is that in the middle of the poem you switched to rhyme scheme

How much does it cost to take EMT classes into becoming a Paramedic?

In CA Los Angeles, I am thinking of going to Glendale Community College or West LA College to study to become an EMT. I am just wondering how much would it cost me to take the classes, and what else I would have to pay for, I want the total cost please.

Should My Family Stop Having Birthday Parties For My 40 Something Aunt?

I have an aunt who is pushing 50 but still insist on having child like birthday parties every year where everyone comes over, puts on hats, sings, eats cake and ice cream and gives her presents. I don’t know how to classify her as she seems intelligent but emotionally speaking is very immature and underdeveloped almost childlike. She holds a job at the state library and lives independently with supervision. My other aunt and uncle who usually host these parties are starting to think it’s absurd and have merely been doing it to appease my grandmother. But this year my aunt and uncle unfortunately lost their daughter and had to cover the expense of her funeral and unpaid tuition bills so are not really in the mood or able to host these asinine parties for a woman in her late 40’s anymore. So should my family quite appeasing this particular aunt and my grandmother and put an end these parties?

I am 15 years old and looking for a small job in arizona. Does anyone know a place?

I am 15 years old and i am currently in a big move from Connecticut to Arizona and I'm looking for a small place to get some extra money to buy some new summer clothes and to decorate my new room and house. Please if anyon knows somewhere good near Glendale, that would be most appreciated!!!!

Bulimia problems help please. ?

I throw up Two days a week maybe three times a day. After I throw up I feel like headed and sick. I have only Been doing this for a couple of months should I get help. Where is help in glendale California ?

What song is this song?!?

I think it's older, 90's maybe early 2000. But it sounds Indian, the guy is singing Indian in the beginning that sounds like "aye yee aye yee aye yee yay" and I swear (maybe I'm wrong) that guy is doing that for the background, and then a girl sings the actual song. And it's not Return to Innocence.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where is the house located where they film the bachelorette?

Where is the beautiful home located where they film the Bachelorette TV show. It looks like Glendale, CA or possibly Valencia, CA.

How many people can live in a 2 bedroom house legally?

Im living in a 2 bedroom and 1.5 bathroom house with 3 of my siblings (im 16, 14,10,8) and 2 adults in Glendale AZ

Is this a true talent (poetry)?

It's like you wrote it trying to imitate what you think a poem is supposed to look like and you didn't really feel what you were writing .I find it hard to understand and I really don't get a clear image of what you are trying to say. Don't try so hard and just let it flow from the inside and you will have better results.

Is santa real??????????????//?

personally how I see it if santa was real he would have only 8-12 hours to deliver presents to millions of households, speculation says that it is parents who give the presents but I for one don't stand for this ignorant liberal approach to deny facts. satan is a marxist or communist you see, he was a huge supporter of both che guevara and of course carl marx in his initial development of the communist economic system. Santa delivers presents to everyone poor or rich, he is anti capitalist but still loved the american children in there innocence. I believe that US President Barack Obama has sent in seal team 6 for their second assassination in 2 months to kill santa and nearly 1500 of his elfs, spread the word and fight americans this shall not be tolerated

Should I seek help? I sleep when I'm sad?

Whenever I get depressed or sad, I try and sleep it away. I'll sleep 10 or more hours a night just to escape those feelings. I know it's probably cowardly, and immature, but sleeping helps drive the thoughts and feelings from my mind. It's not really a "healthy" way to deal with it, but it's really the easiest for me. Should I seek help with a therapist or psychologist? Or do you have other methods of coping with sadness I could use? Any advice, really. Thank you.

Should i breakup with my boyfriend? hes kidish.?

im dating this kid, hes rele cute and nice.. but he frigan anoys me he smiles to much.. and hes a year younger them me and hes kinda immature... hes pretty short, but taller then me.. thats kinda sad because im short. but im just wondering should i breakup with him? because he lives in a different town then i do? we dont see eachother often, and he kinda confuses me.. i dont even know much about him.. all i know is hes cute sweet and rele likes me.. why dont i feel the same> meh.... should i break up with him if so how do i say it?

What should i do about this?

Things were rough for my bf in ny where we both use to live so he recently moved to nc with his parents. i moved down here also a month ago. im 7 months pregnant with his child....coming down here i gave up my job my family and friends....i wanted to come here so me and him can be a family but im not happy and everything about him annoys me he acts so immature most of the time. also his parents let me live here and are being very nice to me and are excited for the baby to come. I miss my family in new york and wish i would of stayed. what should i do should i sttay here and tough it out for the babys sake even tho i dont want to be here?? im so confused

Is Club 54 skating or dancing?

1 its roller skating usually (this is the ice skating forum) #2 it looks like its the first friday of the month- it is called teen dance- but these are the tags: Kids Event, Skating Event, Teen Event, so i think it is skating too :)

How to stop an abortion, please read.?

My boyfriends best friends (scott) and his girlfriend (michelle) were trying for months to have a baby, she is 24 he is 20. My boyfriend and I were very excited for them. The other day scott and michelle came over and told us they had finally got pregnant! Michelles parents are jahova wittness's (she is very very very immature) I had never seen such excitment in scotts face before. She told me she had already looked at baby stuff and all this (I have a 4 month old) so I told her I would help her out 100% and be there the whole way with her! (She was very nervous)! Then today scott messages me and sais she's getting an abortion because her parents will disown her!! And because she has no clue how to be a parent! She's 24 has no job and lives at scotts parents! I told her a place where she would get a gauranteed job then she could get a home and mat leave! This is upsetting me so much I've been messaging her all night on facebook but no reply! How would you convince her to not be such a f. Ucking idiot? Is there anything I can say or do to change her mind or make her realize what she's doing? Scott is almost in tears on the phone with my boyfriend right now because he wants this baby so bad! (He doesn't work but is looking for a job) please help me to help them

To Kill A Mockingbird help?

What are some ways that show that Jem, Dill, and Scout have matured throughout the story? Also showing how they lose their innocence? Any help will be appreciated?

Where could you buy a ukulele?

They're in a lot of music stores. They have some in guitar center and sam ash. There is also a small store called Kaye's Music Scene in Reseda. They are extremely friendly and nice and have great deals for ukuleles and great knowledge on instruments. Here's the website:a href="" rel="nofollow"

Should I bring this up with my boyfriend of 3 years?

Before dating my current boyfriend, lets call him Gene, and I were together (just wanted to be friends at the time) I had recently broken up with a really immature ex (call him Ken). However since I was afraid of what Ken would do I made it seem like all was not lost to him so we would hang out awkwardly but all the while I had no feelings for him and was growing closer to Gene. So when Gene and I did start dating I told Ken and he of course was hurt. Years later I am starting to feel guilty for never mentioning it to Gene since we werent "together" at the time. Should I just try to forget it or just get it off my chest and let Gene know? I am asking here so I can get different perspectives from people who arent close to the matter or biased (friends/family)

Can repeating lies that have been published 'legally' as fact be considered slander?

A man was charged with a crime (that lawyers call 'the flavour-of-the-month), so he is told it is impossible to win regardless of his innocence. He has no lawyer. He is intimidated into a plea bargain. Because he is emotionally unable to speak for himself, he doesn't object to the lies that are spoken in court, and lies are accepted as fact and are pulished in a local newspaper. After he has been pardoned those type who relish in causing others pain continue to spread these lies, even after the record has been EXPUNGED (if pressed to 'prove' what they say they refer to the news article). Is this slander? What if evidence is found that the man is innocent, but the court doesn't think it serious enough to grant an appeal, so the lies persist? What if proof arises that the defendant was innocent, but it's still not 'serious enough'? Does this proof render what was previously consider fact, slander?

Help with thesis statement?

I think it's a great thesis statement with the exception of how I don't really see how innocence or experience fits in your past experiences. You might need to change that, but other than that, the wording is perfectly fine. For example, if they're learning from their bad experience, it wouldn't really be showing innocence. Are you feeling innocent through your past experiences? :/ How would their situation be when they are motivated by their past? Do you mean "gaining experience"? Maybe you should use another word beside experience. It probably sounds weird because you put the word "experience" twice in one sentence. :) If you're totally stumped, just change the "innocence" part. :)

I'm looking for a job...?

If your good at a musical instrument consider teaching the basics to people. If you charge half what a proper teacher would do you will still make a bit of money without being an expert. Put an ad in the local paper (won't cost much) and on an internet site and you should get a few people asking for lessons.

Can someone please recommend a pediatric endocrinologist near Glendale, CA?

My teenage son is very small for his age, and I am interested in doctors who might prescribe growth hormone therapy for him. Thank you.

Petty Theft Under $5000 in Canada - What Are First Time Punishment For?

Hey Mike I am 18 and was also recently charged with theft under $5000 although I had not committed the crime and fought it in court as I am trying to major in law and would not look good on my transcript. Anyways I won the dispute and all charges were dropped as well as court fee's paid by the government as I was wrongly accused. If you are indeed innocent I would fight it and look into whether it is covered if you win your trial.

Where would you rather live Glendale, Venice, or Pasadena ? ?

i peronally LOVE LA and i don't care what anyone says about it. I been to LA a couple times for vacation. I currently live in Sacramento and its so lame and boring here i wanna try something new and start fresh. Im planning to move there and go to college there but i need help. So where would you rather live Glendale, Venice, or Pasadena ? & why ? Also what's it like to live in those specific areas ?

Does anyone know a ling that show photos of the dream palace?

The dream palace restaurant located in Glendale California. Does anyone know of a link or site that's shows pictures of the restaurant? Would be really helpful

Is it normal for a 19 year old with aspergers or autism to be immature? Or some?

I'm 19 and have aspergers (I developed it around middle school). My best female friend is 19 and autistic (she was born with it). We can't help it but are immature. Like for example, if someone her age pisses her off, she beats them up (she never goes to jail for it though). If people piss me off, even full grown adults, I'll curse them out. She doesn't say excuse me when she passes by people. She jumps up and down and yells when she's excited. I break objects when I'm mad. I tackled my mom once. She tackled her dad once. She never wants to work a job. I hate listening to my parents. I purposely ignore a lot of people when they're talking to me. She gets distracted very easily. Etc. It's true we each have an autistic boyfriend but they're more mature then us lol.

What can I do to get my boyfriend's friends to like me?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 11 months but I haven't really been around his friends all that much because we don't live in the same town. Although recently, I was with my boyfriend and a few of his guys friends and I didn't know what to talk about because I don't know them well. So they started to make fun of me because they're under the impression I don't talk (I do, it just takes me awhile to warm up to people) and it really got to me because they were very immature about it. I mean, what am I supposed to say when they're making fun of me? It was to the point that when my boyfriend and I left, I cried because it hurt me that bad. What can I do for this to stop? Please help me.

Are There Any Good Boxing Gyms IN Glendale?

I wanted to take my son to a boxing gym in glendale and i'm looking for a good boxing gym and a gym that is going to take my son all the way to the professionals are there any good boxing gyms for 14 years olds and up for $100 per person per month?????????????///

Am I immature? How can I be more mature?

Everyone says I'm extremely immature. I can understand why they would think that, because I still enjoy childish activities even though I'm a teenager. Things like... playing with toys and getting up early on Saturday to watch cartoons. I am easily impressed and easily amused. I'm always really curious about things and I like to explore. I don't really do any of the typical teenage things, and everyone says I'm like a 4-year-old. So I'm childish, but that doesn't mean I'm immature, right? My idea of what mature is, is having good morals and values, being responsible, and making smart decisions. Like choosing to study instead of partying or something like that. And that's me... I'd consider myself mature, because I think there is a difference between immature and childish. I don't really know though, maybe those people are right about me being immature, and maybe there really isn't a difference? Would you consider me immature? If so, how can I be more mature?

Working my horse on the lunge?

my previous horse was just like this except was 13 would spook at anything and would just take off running as soo as you sent him away on the lunge, i put on a bridle, saddle, and an elastic training rein, and just practised lots for about 10-15 mins every other day! one day he just sort came into place and started working beautifully! x

Is she playing mind games with me or what..please help?

This is where something really comes in handy - its called - communication! ASK HER! When she does something messed up like that right in front of you - call her out on it! Don't let her get away with that kind of stuff. You just taught her it was OK to do stuff like that and you'll still be around. So, find out what the deal is. Because if she really is the type to play mind games - do you really want her in your life? Do you really want to be with someone who will mess with you like that? If she is mad at you, that is one thing. But to toy with your emotions just for the fun of it IS really messed up. So, better get an answer out of her or you'll never really know what is in her heart. Or if she is even worth the trouble.

When you go to Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, can you see Michael Jackson's tomb or is it private?

I know the public can enter Forest Lawn, but I am just wondering are the public able to see MJ's resting place (that is if they can find it - i know Forest Lawn is HUGE)

Best place to get a cartilage piercing?

I live in Glendale, AZ and I just wanted to know what are some of the best tattoo parlors to get piercings ??

What wrong with my friend? (10points!) pleeaaassee!!!!?

we've known each other forever, our dads have been best friends since their childhood on and off my friend trys to brag A LOT... for example i took her on myfamily'ss vacation this weekend and whenever we were around the family she would brag at any time possible and when she would brag she would talk very loud so everyone could hear. She brags a lot about the stuff her cousins have, like for instance she will say "yeah we sold out horses, but were getting new ones." and another example is i took her atv'ing a few weeks ago and i let her drive on the trails while everyone was there and one of my moms boyfriends friends asked her if she atv's often because she was good and she replied with "no, i dirt bike." when she maybe dirt bikes once a year... she will also try to look better than me when we go out in public, once she thinks i start to look better than her she will start changing and adding things to her outfit or put on expensive name brand things...i mean she is 16, but she acts immature with the whole bragging thing about stuff thaisn'tnt hers. she also says a lot of bad things about her other friends and talk about how their annoying but the next day she will be hanging out with them, shes a cheerleader and is on dance team bdoesn'tsnt hang out with anyone except me and 2 other people..she also plays world of warcraft and has A LOT of online friends from there that will call her?...but when we go out doesn'tesnt get social, when on the other hand im always talking with people and she kind of sits in the back and irritatedeted..why do you think she acts like this

I need help with my tap water.?

Soo...Im really thirsty right now...And im using tap water. ALOT of my friends know I NEVER drink tap water. So im freezing it. Will it make it better? Please help. If this helps at all. Im drinking arizona tap water. (Glendale) And its not the best PLEASE HELP

Why do Libs presume Weiner's conversation with the 17 year old girl was innocent with everything known?

"Innocent until proven guilty". It is the cornerstone of American Justice, which is not perfect, but better than many other systems. And to answer the below question of "Why do we care who sends what pic to whom?" First of all, when you are in a position with that kind of power there are many people, corporations and special interest groups, looking for you to support their initiatives. If you have a scandal that has not been uncovered, it may be used to force a decision or vote, even if it is not in the best interest of the people. That is why military members are required to have clearances, same reason, to avoid blackmail and bribery. Most of congress could not qualify to have a military clearance. They have to much "Closet Behavior" or bad financial pasts that would preclude them. Also, if they made it in they wouldn't last long. Charges such as "Conduct unbecoming an Officer" and "Adultery", would insure their quick ejection. Sad, when those in command are required to have less character than those who follow.

Where can I purchase a Farvahar in Los Angeles..? (Not Online)?

I want to buy a persian farvahar necklace but not online, is there any stores in maybe the Glendale Galleria? Thanks :]

I do not regard sex as part of marriage?

So it's okay if he USES other women as long as it's not you? And, what if he followed through with your suggestion and fell in love with another woman? If a sex free lifestyle is your choice, you should remain single. Not only is sex a part of marriage, it's necessary for good health and I feel you shouldn't marry at all if it is your intent to deprive a spouse because unless he's impotent and willing to live celibate, this arrangement is doomed to fail.

Help with wedding reception!?

My brother is getting married on Oct. 15th, 2011. We need a place for the reception, and im having a hard time finding a place. I live in Glendale, Az. And they want a place close to there. No hotels or suits, something outside or inside. Please help with websites or something. Thanks so much ;)

How much did your tattoo cost?

Now, i see an annoying pattern of people always answering "it differs from artist to artist" on questions asking about the cost of tattoos. So, tell me how much your tattoo cost. I wanted to get a sleeve tattoo on each arm. So i wanted some ideas of how much it could potentially cost. If it helps i'm going to go to "Club Tattoo" in Glendale, AZ. If anyone knows the prices there for sure. If you don't know the prices for that location, just tell me what you got done, how long it took, and how much it cost you. Also, please mention whether it had color or not.

What should i do now its nowhere to go now my relationship problem is vast?

i am 16 live in india i had a great relation with my girlfriend but suddenly her mom came to know about us and we have to broke up due to traditional reasons(such a big step in immature age) her mom pressurized her to spoke against me and to leave everything i had to step down due to her mom and the controversy never stopped as ii felt now everyone including that girl is against me but i want to realise that i am not a wrong person all happened was misunderstanding but i fear that if a go near her she will complain to her mom and then all that similar hell will take rebirth help me if u can thnx in advance :)

Which Retail Stores Sell NYX Eyeshadow Base?

Ulta! That's the only place I have ever seen any NYX products. They have a huge variety of them for awesome prices! And I do believe they have an Ulta in Los Angeles. (:

Why do people do this?

Usual if someone likes a band, there always people whining like little bitches judging you and calling you names. Is that even necessary? It's my taste. Until you get famous and go hollywood you can run your mouth about music. Like Hollywood undead said. "You need to slit your wrist, get pissed, and go jump off a bridge." Immature pricks.

What kind of things should be on an high school student's resume?

I am in high school, 16, and am looking for my first job. I am trying to write a resume because some companies don't take applications, only resumes.Everywhere I look for resume help, there is a different set of resume topics I should cover. Some resume topics don't apply to me because I'm only in high school and some, like favorite "after school activities" I worry will look immature and are things a future boss won't really care about. Can someone please list the topics/headings that would be appropriate for a high school student without much work experience? Any other resume tips would be great too! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Help! I have a major crush on my English teacher. He is 23 years older than me, and married with kids?

I know i'm probably crazy or totally loco, but I honestly adore him. He isn't extremely good looking, but I find him handsome. He is hilarious to me, sweet and cute. I like him and his talents and personality more than I like the look of him, I find his smile so subtly-sexy, and I want to be in his arms...I get along with him more than the others and we both understand our jokes, and crack up. He hangs around me sometimes and smiles a lot when I'm near. He always says Hi and Goodbye (never missed once) and doesn't get angry with me. I don't know whats wrong with me. I dont like others my age because they seem young, dim and immature, whereas I can have a good conversation with him. He was a wife and children and I don't wan't to interact with that. Is this going to stay a stupid fantasy? I might still be waiting on my perfect guy who is half- hippy, like music, likes a good coffee, is a bit nerdy.....NOW I just don't know what to do? Is it my adolescent hormones? NAAAAH. Thanks Randoms you are the best.

Is there an easy way to not break someones heart?

I am a 23 year old male. I was dating a 28 year old female that has a child. She has a great paying job and drives a nice car. The problem is, we have only known each other for one month. After the second week of knowing each other, she started saying that she loves me and I didn’t say it back. A week after that, she started telling me that “I don’t have to make it official, she already know that we are boyfriend and girlfriend”. Of course, we kissed but I didn’t try to make her feel like I love her. I don’t love her, I like her. Earlier this week, she wanted to tell me that I love her but I’m afraid to say it. So after a month of it all, I kindly told her that I couldn’t do this any more. I didn’t want to break her fragile heart but it was scary knowing that I couldn’t pace things with her. So I told her and now she is sending me all these text messages about how I’m immature. Is there an easy way to not break someones heart?

What can i do to drive him wild!?

i was a virgin.... i had never done anything...i had never touched a boy kissed a boy or even seen a penis...(EXTREMELY sheltered)... then i met my boyfriend and i slowly started losing my innocence... 3 months ago we had sex for the 1st time...we had already been dating for a lil over 6 months... but boyfriend wasn't so innocent wen he got with me... he had already had sex with his ex and to be honest.... i feel like i Just don't no wat to do... i wanna be better then her... i wanna pretty much blow his mind... i really jus dont no wat kinda tricks i can throw out my sleeves... i do the normal stuff like hand jobs and blow jobs and but i dont feel confident... he has never complained or givin me a reason to think anything bad...but i talked to him a couple days ago about how i do not feel anything durring sex and how i feel like he always focuses on pleasuring himself...and he said i was right and tht he was gonna focus on me... and tht both of us can do better... but i dont no wat else i can do? please give me some ideas...wat u do...we she does... anything tht could help ha...and please...dont be jerks..thank you

Which store can I get I Pod nano 5th generation in pink?

My daughter's birthday is tomorrow and I promised her to buy I Pod. I went to Best Buy and Apple store today. They informed me that 5th generation I pod discontinued. My daughter does not like the new one. Online stores can not deliver by tomorrow. Any advice where can I buy this item and have it same day. If anyone knows please respond, Model: RF-MC050LL/A | SKU: 2096406. I can go to any store Los Angeles/Burbank/Pasadena/Glendale/Van Nuys area. Thanks in advance.

Is it ok to be in love with a video game character?

You should be a more social person. I mean it's ok to think a game character is cute or pretty but saying you "love" them is a pretty bold statement. Try to find girls who look like her or have a similar personality. Loving something that doesn't exist will only hurt you more in the end.

What do I do to make my bf stay?

Well if i was yhu ill talk to him n if dht dnt work yall need space but what make me mad is y havent seen him before

I need help finding a limo for prom?

I live in Glendale Arizona, and I need to find a Limo for prom but there all like a billion dollars for a service (like $225 per person for 4 people realistically) and there won't be many people in it (around 4), it starts at 8PM-12AM and will be picking us up, dropping us off there, and vise versa . So considering all this can someone direct me to a limo company that won't turn my damn pockets inside out! Lol. Thank you all! ^.^

Its my birthday 2day, what can i do???

its my 16th birthday and im picking up my best friend at 11 to go do something. what can we do????? p.s. i live in glendale AZ

Love miss bestfriend. Help?

So I was really close with this guy Chris, who happened to be my bestfriend. We lived a couple hours away from eachother so we couldn't see eachother that much bc of the distance and our schedules so we really relied on phonecalls and texts. At the beginning of our friendship we kind of had a thing i guess, we would call eachother cute nicknames and all that cute stuff and he'd call me atleast three times a day and we would talk on the phone atleast three hours a day and then text 24/7 when we weren't on the phone. And then all of a sudden it changed, he stopped with the nicknames and called once a day or everyother day. Sometimes he would be too busy to talk to me. And he's a senior(going off to college in the fall) and I'll be a junior. And my worst fear and I told him this that when he went off to college he wouldn't have anytime for me and we would hardly talk, and he assured me that things wouldnt change. But it seemed like all of a sudden he got too busy for me, and then I got sexually assaulted by a guy I thought I trusted and the night it happened I literally had to beg him to answer his voice and I cried the whole time I was on the phone( I believed strongly in staying pure til marriage and didnt feel pure anymore that's why I was so upset) and I really just wanted to talk to him bc I didn't know whatelse to do, a week later he texted me, and he has this rule that he doesn't talk to anyone during the playoffs(big Mavs fan) and I got really upset bc I felt like he was choosing a stupid game over the fact that I felt like I lost all my innocence and really needed him and he wasn't there for me, so I told him that I didn't think we should talk anymore bc clearly he was too busy for me and it wasn't fair that I was getting mad at him for not wanting to talk to me and being too busy and it wasn't fair to me that I had to sit around and wait for him to call, no reply from him. So we went 3 weeks without talking and I finally texted him asking if he was too busy to talk or not, no reply. So the next day I told him I was sorry for being mad and told him my perspective and told him to have good summer and to have fun an good luck in college, no reply. I honestly do not know what to do, I don't even know if I made the right decision to cut him out of my life or not. How by Maroon 5 basically is how I feel about him. What should I do?

Do I have to pass my failed classes at glendale community college if i want to go to another community college?

California community colleges admit anyone who is at least 18. So far as I know, the Marine Corps requires 15 semester units of college for enlistment in many of its programs.

Who thinks that we should use this as a form of trial?

Bad idea. the murderers would probably live and the others die. look at history, good guys don't always win. What kind of trial are you thinking anyway, hunger games?

What hAnd gun does the glendale police carry?

Glendale, Illinois allows the officer to buy their own .40 caliber from a list of about 7 manufacturers.

Breaking up over porn?

punishment well does fit the crime, you've asked him loads of times to stop and he's just gone further with it, it's like he's testing the boundries, show him where they are.

Does God derive pleasure out of the suffering of innocence?

I live in South Africa a very religious country per ca pita. I would like some religious answers to the reason why God sees it fit to wipe out little children through crime, almost on a daily basis. I'm talking about murder, rape in my opinion, crimes to ghastly to contemplate. WHAT IS THE BIGGER PICTURE PLEASE.

TEENS: Age Difference..?

age doesn't really matter once your in your 20s. But think of this. He's 4 years older than you,four years of maturity,schooling,etc. Think of yourself when you were 11. How much different were you? Your way more mature now then you were then. Plus, if you do anything sexual, he could get into trouble.

To kill a mokingbird differences between the book and the movie?

Um, I really don't know, since I have NOT read the book, and since I have NOT watched the movie, either. So... I guess my answer is pretty much useless, huh? LOL! Let the Thumbs Downing begin...NOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

I want a story with vampires , demons , & witches . Any ideas ? I need help!:)?

Im trying to create a story with those three . I will combine a lil werewolf and w.e into it , but i need ideas . No inappropriate or immature answers please ? this is serious. thank you , anything will do (:

What's the best college I can get into?

Nobody but the college can answer this question. Many colleges consider all different things with acceptance. Some consider your GPA others consider extra curricular. I had a much higher GPA then my friend & he got into the school I wanted to get into to why....because they saw he did more community service then me....Weird right??? It really depends ojn the school. Just apply and see where it lands you. I'm sure you won't get too many rejection letters though from the sounds of it ;) good luck!

Does anybody know where there are any manual coin operated car wash stations in Arizona?

the ones where they have the hose to spray water and soap and the vacuum and you do everything yourself? Preferablly near GCC in Glendale.

What are things to do in glendale, az?

I live in glendale, but im running out of ideas of what to do. Me and my 2 older brothers gets to visit with my younger siblings once a week and for about 2 hours every time. they are in foster care. but anyways, what are some ideas, that is not to much money. Thanks :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I the only one diana...?

blocked because I called her out for being an immature person with no confidence...with a big nose? "You can not view this question at this time" I lol'd.

I wrote this about my alcoholic mom, would you please tell me if it's good?

Powerless, I was sitting in the corner of the room, sick of all the false promises you made. Sick of all the lies you told me. And frightened because this won’t be the last one, right? With brutal cruelty you came to me and told me stories that were just your invention. And for a small moment I believed you. While cutting through my heart you kept on telling me lies and took another drink, yet another one that would make the tragedy worse later on. A few minutes later there were screams escaping my throat because of the repeated image I was seeing, angry tears came rolling down my cheek. The brutal truth just hit me in the face. From that moment on the place where my heart once had been, had now become just a scar. A scar that represents the stealing of my childhood and my innocence . And though I hate you and though you sadden me, I will still pick you off the ground. My dignity may disappear, my fingers may break, my world might shatter but I’ll pick you up. And we’ll go into the darkness and I’ll know that I love you.

Impeding the flow of traffic??? help!?

Plead not guilty - explain it to the judge just the way you said - point out any safety issues for Grandma. He may let it slide.

Since rape allegations are never false, why aren't more men in prison?

“I’m really tired of people suggesting that you’re somehow un-American if you don’t respect the presumption of innocence, because you know what that sounds like to a victim? Presumption you’re a liar.” Wendy Murphy, former sex crimes prosecutor, now an adjunct professor at the New England School of Law in Boston. She appears frequently as a legal analyst on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and other channels.

If someone were attacked by a demon at a young age could that demon still be inside that person?

I don't think you were "attacked" by a demon. I think you suffered brain damage as a result of high fever and chemical poisoning. You may get help but it ain't gonna be pretty!

Is my boyfriend too immature for me, should I dump him?

My mom told me I should since I'm going away to college next year and he's 17 and a junior in high school, (he's actually supposed to be a senior but he got kept back a year back in middle school) but anyway she said that when I get to college I will find him and other high school boys too immature and would want to date one of the guys at school instead so I should dump him now so he can move on but I don't want to and I see nothing wrong with him at all. But my mom is acting like it's for my own good, Should I do it?

What causes pedophilia (sexual attraction to children)?

Modern psychology still does not have a definitive cause (though this is true of many disorders), but I have been reading more about the neurological work done by Centre for Addiction & Mental Health in Canada. Dr. James Cantor did brain scans of pedophiles to try and fine common traits and also did outpatient therapy. One of the more interesting things is that a large proportion of them had blows to the head as children under 13, and this sometimes matches the age they are attracted to. The studies have also shown low white matter of the brain and decreased hypothalamic activity. They also tend to have low intelligence and other as-yet-unexplained differences in their brains. This research is still ongoing and it is hard to draw many conclusions from it, but it makes sense because I know in therapy settings pedophiles are extremely difficult to treat, often a combination of therapy not addressing the problem and pedophiles tendency to be delusional (i.e. thinking they are normal and that children are fine to have sex with). If their brains are "stuck" that way from an early age, it makes it hard for them to ever change.


you are okay if you think you are ! dont let people control and manipulate your emotions. you are beautiful, Unique and great! believe the best about yourself and you shall see that best!. dont let emotions torment you, arise and conquer. youare a winner!

Isn't this her right and choice?

Its entirely her choice not to have a child. Her reasoning seems a little off, as all women need gynaecological attention at some point in their lives.

Where can i go get some black skinny jeans today?

like in northridge mall or glendale galleria wich are here in CA LA i need to buy some today because im goin to DISNEYLAND tomorrow plz hlp me!!!!

Was Glendale California the city all a cementry before in a time ?

was the City of Glendale in California all a cementry before like was it all forest lawn yes or no ? i dont know cause like my teacher told me that it was but when i try to find history about it i cant really find anything .

What radio station plays bands like A Day To Remember or Escape The Fate or Mayday Parade?

So I live in Glendale, Arizona (I decided to add that in because I'm not sure if radio stations are different in different states. Anyways, i was looking for a radio station that plays A Day To Remember or Escape The Fate or Mayday Parade. Please and Thank you(:

Is there any Restaurants in Los Angeles that have a dance floor to slow dance?

I want to take this girl out on a date and she really like to dance, but not that "club dancing". Anywhere in Los Angeles (hollywood, Studio City, Glendale, Pasadena, etc.). I rather not go to a place fancy, but a nice atmosphere, but if you only have Fancy places then I'll take them. Thank you. :)

French word for losing your innocence?

Is there a single french verb that translates to a loss of innocence. With the connotation that it is taken. Not just lost.

If you bail someone out of jail, are you "buying" their innocence?

They still have to show up for court at a later date and can be subjected to long sentences, correct?

English homework help please?

for english i need to write a short story, with a twist. it needs to lead to something different, and make the reader think im talking about something different than i am. the story has to be about a child loosing their innocence and ive decided to write about a girl that has lukemia but because shes ill, she likes to pretend shes laying in a field because she used to go there all the time when she was younger. ive described the field but i need to change the atmosphere dramatically to the hospital scene, and i need some help to do that? any suggestions or is the whole story bad?

What Does "Holy Innocence" Mean?

I was visiting the cemetery the other day with my grandmother and we came across an area of the place labelled "Holy Innocence". At first I thought it was a place for children to be buried, but I noticed adults buried there also. So what exactly does "Holy Innocence" mean?

Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception- Catholics?

Sorry, but this is also an infallible article of faith which can never be changed. No one can now remain a Catholic unless they believe in it. It does not have to be justified to anyone. God has spoken. And God is not a liar. Your opinion of the interpretation has been over ruled by God Himself.

Best route to drive from CT to AZ?

At the beginning of September, my husband and I will be moving to Glendale, AZ from Danbury, CT. We're still not sure of the best route to take there. We want to get there as soon as possible so we plan on driving up to 13 hours a day. Google says it will take about 1 day and 16 hours. We don't want to take more than 4 days to get there. If anybody has any advice to cities to stop in for the night or places to see on our way over that would be cool too. Thanks!

Does this guy like me?

so I work with this guy who's just started working the same summer job as me and he's already better at everything at it than me, and I've been doing it since last year already. on the first day he worked I helped him learn some things, and now it's the opposite. a few months ago I never used to like him at all, that was before he worked. now he is talking to me quite a bit and is helping me out when I screw things up. he asked if I'd be around this summer, and I explained that I wasn't really cuz my family and I always go to our cabin the summer. then he said "whoa." he asked if I was going to this one party that's coming up in a few days. he also told me that if I didn't have a ride into work ever, he could come and pick me up and "we could car pool together." I just nodded. I think he is like this to a lot of people though, but I'm not sure. he is really nice and way different when he's not around any of his siblings. when they're around he acts like he doesn't really care about anything and acts more immature. but I think he is actually kinda responsible for the most part. he has two jobs. we've only worked together twice. oh ya yesterday I was sweeping the floor and joked "geeze u made a mess u spilled all this stuff like sugar and stuff" and he says "I don't even know what that looks like it looks so sick." I said "it looks like a bunch of **** and dirt mixed together." he smiled and said "I never heard u swear before haha" so I replied "hah ya right. that's funny" and started laghing cuz he was all surprised and made a big deal out of it. I also screwed up some of the orders a few times and he said "your not stupid!" and joked "don't screw it up this time." I think it is more of a friendship thing but I barely know him so I'm not sure! two of my friends thinks he likes me but I don't know!

Passing emergency vehicle traffic ticket?

did he see you or did the chp call for him to pull you over? If he did not see you commit the infraction he cannot testify that you did it , The chp cop would have to testify at your hearing or trial. Both officers would have to show up for court and I doubt that would happen